Slide background

School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Now offering two distinct diplomas: Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering

Reaction Engineering (Chemical and Biochemical Processes)


School Environmental Engineering
Course Level Undergraduate
Course ID ENVE 317 Semester 5th
Course Category Required
Course Modules Instruction Hours per Week ECTS
Lectures and Laboratory assignments 5
Th=3, E=1, L=4/4
Course Type Scientific Area
Instruction/Exam Language Greek
The course is offered to Erasmus students Yes
Course URL https//    (in Greek)



Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course the students will acquire new knowledge and specific skills on the following subjects:

  1. Will have knowledge of the stoichiometry and kinetics of chemical reactions.
  2. Will be able to understand the Arrhenius equation.
  3. Will learn the methods and techniques for the design of isothermal homogeneous reactors (batch, CSTR, PFR).
  4. Will gain knowledge of the operation of CSTR reactors in series and PFR reactors with recycling.
  5. Can analyze kinetic data from reactors.
  6. Will gain knowledge of catalysis and chemical catalysts.
  7. Will be able to understand the operation of biochemical reactions with free enzymes and Michaelis-Menten kinetics.
  8. Can determine kinetic parameters.
  9. Will have knowledge of. Inhibition of enzymatic reactions.
  10. Can analyze mathematical models for microorganisms growth (one variable, limiting substrate, maintenance and endogenous metabolism).
  11. Will be able to design bioreactors (batch, fed-batch, CSTR).
General Competencies/Skills
  • Review, analyze and synthesize data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Project design and management


  1. Stoichiometry and kinetics of chemical reactions.
  2. The Arrhenius equation.
  3. Design of isothermal homogeneous reactors (batch, CSTR, PFR).
  4. CSTR reactors in series and Recycle PFR reactors.
  5. Analysis of kinetic data from reactors.
  6. Catalysis and chemical catalysts.
  7. Reactions with free enzymes and Michaelis-Menten kinetics.
  8. Determination of kinetic parameters.
  9. Inhibition of enzymatic reactions.
  10. Mathematical models for microorganisms growth (one variable, limiting substrate, maintenance and endogenous metabolism).
  11. Design of bioreactors (batch, fed-batch, CSTR).
  12. Sterilization kinetics. Aeration and agitation of bioreactors.
  13.  Determination the optimal operating conditions. Applications.


Lecture Method Direct (face to face)

Use of Information and Communication Technology

  • Power point presentations
  • E-class support
Instruction Organisation Activity Workload per Semester
- Lectures 39
- Tutorials 13
- Lab assignments 13
- Projects 10
- Autonomous study 50
Course Total 125

Assessment Method

Ι. Written final examination (75%): Theoretical problems to be resolved.

II. Laboratory exercises (25%).

III. Group and autonomous assignments (Bonus 10%).


  • O. Levenspiel, ‘Chemical Reaction Engineering’, 3rd Edition, Wiley (Εκδ. Κωσταράκη)
  • H.S. Fogler, ‘Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering’, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall
  • «Biochemical Engineering», H.W. Blanch & D.S. Clark, Marcel-Dekker (1996)


Course Instructor: AssociateProfessor P. Panagiotopoulou (Faculty - EnvEng)
Lectures: Associatet Professor P. Panagiotopoulou (Faculty - EnvEng)
Tutorial exercises: Associate Professor P. Panagiotopoulou (Faculty - EnvEng)
Laboratory Exercises: A. Pantidou (SLTS - EnvEng), R. Sarika (LTS - EnvEng)