The course B 205 Advanced Studies on Energy Efficiency and Environmental Quality in the Built Environment of the Postgraduate Program on Monday…
The Exhibition Department of TIF - HELEXPO SA, in the context of the 3rd International Exhibition on the Circular Economy Forward Green and the Intern…
The time schedule for courses offered in the Spring Semester 2024-2025 is now available on the following file [pdf]
Due to multiple requests and to accommodate more submissions, we are pleased to announce an extension of the abstract submission deadline for CRETE…
It is with great pleasure that we announce the conduction of the 8th International Scientific Conference CRETE 2025, which will take place on 27-31…
In 2025 the Silver Jubilee medal has been awarded to Professor Elia Psillakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece. The Silver Jubilee Medal was…
Em. Prof. Evangelos Gidarakos from the Technical University of Crete, continues this year the series of online lectures on hot issues of waste…
All students are reminded that course registration ends TODAY, Thursday October 31st 2024
Em. Prof. Evangelos Gidarakos from the Technical University…
The course Β202 Solid and Toxic Waste Management of the Postgraduate Program with Prof. Giannis will be held both in person in Κ2.A1 and online via…
Registration/Enrolment for SECC courses end tomorrow Friday 25/10/2024
The course Β 202 Solid and Toxic Waste Management of the Postgraduate Program on Friday October 18th will be held online via zoom.
The course AB 308 Applied Mathematics for Chemical and Environmental Engineers of the Postgraduate Program on Thursday October 17th will be held both…
On behalf of the Rectorate, we would like to inform you that due to the occurrence of cases of viral gastroenteritis, which is due to a highly…
The course AB302 Environment and Public Health of the Postgraduate Program with Prof. Venieri will be held online.
We would like to inform you that the courses AB 301 Research Lectures Prof. Rozakis, Gournis and A105 Conventional Water and Wastewater treatment…
The course B208 Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the Postgraduate Program with Prof. Lazaridis will be held online throughout the Fall…
The first course on Monday 14-10-2024 “B201 Design Of Sustainable Energy Systems And Mobility Systems”, prof. Tsoutsos will be held online.
In the recently published study of Stanford University (USA) in which the list of 2% of researchers with the greatest scientific influence worldwide…
Course Β208 Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the Postgraduate Programme first week only seminar will be held on Wednesday October 16th…