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Divisions and Laboratories

The School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering is organized into four Divisions, each including a number of laboratories on various subjects.

Environmental & Energy Management, Sustainable Development and Climate Change (DIVISION Ι)

Division I is engaged in the field of sciences / areas of specialization: Climate Change - Mitigation and Adaptation; Sustainable Energy; Energy Savings and Renewable Energy Sources; General, Organic, Environmental and Aqueous Chemistry; Instrumental Chemical Analysis; Chemistry of the  Atmosphere; Geology; Physics; Greenhouse gases and Climate Change; Forest Fires and Climate Change; Air Pollution; Public Health; Environmental Legislation, etc.

DIVISION I Laboratories Head
Atmospheric Aerosols Laboratory M. Lazaridis
Atmospheric Environment and Climate Change Laboratory A. Voulgrakis
Aquatic Chemistry Laboratory E. Psillakis
Environmental Law and Environmental Governance Laboratory E. Maria
Energy Management in the Built Environment Laboratory  D. Kolokotsa
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems Laboratory T.Tsoutsos
Toxic and Hazardous Waste Management Laboratory A. Giannis

Process Development, Analysis and Design (DIVISION ΙΙ):

Division II is engaged in the field of sciences / areas of specialization: Chemical, biochemical and Environmental Process Design and Analysis;  Thermodynamics; Calculus, Mathematics and Statistics; Numerical Analysis and Programming; Environmental Engineering; Unit Operations; Process Control; Physical Chemistry; Transport Phenomena; Fluid Mechanics; Byproducts process manufacturing; Natural Gas, Biogas and Hydrogen Technology; Fuel and Lubricant Technology; Microbiology and Biological Processes; Food Technology; Ecological Engineering and Technology, etc.

DIVISION II Laboratories Head
Biochemical Engineering & Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory  
Bioeconomy and Biosystems Economics Laboratory S. Rozakis
Design of Environmental Processes Laboratory P. Gikas
Environmental Engineering and Management Laboratory (FEK 276/8-12-1998) E. Diamadopoulos
A. Stefanakis
Environmental Engineering Laboratory (TUCeeL) K. Chrysikopoulos
Environmental Microbiology Laboratory D. Venieri
Mathematics Laboratory A. Manoussakis
Stochastic models Laboratory T. Daras

Material Science, Nano-Technology and Biotechnology applications (DIVISION ΙIΙ):

Division III is engaged in the field of sciences / areas of specialization: Solid State Physics; Crystallography; Instrumental Chemical Analysis & Characterization of Materials; Surface Science; Heterogeneous Catalysis; Photocatalysis and Electrocatalysis; Corrosion of materials; Polymers and Macromolecules Science and Technology; Metallurgy; Materials Science and Technology; Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology; Biomaterials & Biopolymers; Ceramics & Porous Materials; Catalytic and Energy Storage Materials, Electrocatalytic Materials-Fuel Cells; Biomedical Technology and Materials etc.

DIVISION III Laboratories Head
Environmental Catalysis Laboratory P. Panagiotopoulou
Environmental Organic Chemistry Laboratory N. Xekoukoulotakis
Physical Chemistry and Chemical Processes Laboratory (FEK 144/12-6-2003) I. Yentekakis

Environmental Hydraulics & Coastal and Geoenvironmental Engineering (DIVISION ΙV):

Division IV is engaged in the field of sciences / areas of specialization: Hydrology; Hydraulics; Hydraulic works, Surface-water and groundwater management; Environmental Rehabilitation (soil, groundwater and surface water); Nature based solutions and technologies; Agricultural Technology; Fluid Mechanics; Marine Environmental Hydraulics; Coastal Engineering, Port Works; Geodesy; Geographic Information Systems; Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Seismic Engineering; Computational Dynamics, etc.

DIVISION ΙV Laboratories Head
Agricultural Engineering Laboratory N. Paranychianakis
Computational Dynamics & Energy Laboratory (CODEN) Y. Tsompanakis
Geodesy and Geographical Information Systems Research Unit A. Tsouchlaraki
Geoenvironmental Engineering Laboratory G. Karatzas
Hydrogeochemical Engineering and Soil Remediation Laboratory N. Nikolaidis
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory A.Koutroulis