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General Information

The Postgraduate Studies Programme awards the degree of Master of Science (MSc) in Sustainable Engineering and Climate Change and is offered by the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering.

The minimum duration of studies is three (3) academic semesters and includes the time needed to complete the Master’s Thesis.

Courses for the Master’s degree will be taught in English. The Master’s thesis will be written in English.

Courses will be taught both with in person and with online participation using e-learning platforms.

The entire fee is 3000 Euro for the three semesters. An extra charge of 150 euro per semester applies to post-graduate students who wish to extend their studies.


Summary of New Postgraduate Programme

Duration 3 semesters   Language English
(maximun) 6 semesters      
Entry Year 2025   Cohort Size 30
Method of Participation Physical presence, e-learning-online (application required)   Part time study Yes (application required)

Detailed Programme:  ΦΕΚ Τεύχος B’ 3150/22.06.2022 (in greek) and

Master's Regulation: ΦΕΚ Τεύχος B’ 3076/17.06.2022 (in greek)


Requirements for the Master's degree

The requirements for earning the Master's degree are as follows: 90 ECTS at least and duration of studies three academic semesters minimum.

The minimum number of courses, research and other educational and reserch activities required to earn the Master's degree, are as stated below:  

  • Six (6) courses (54 ECTS in total) and two (2) research leactures (6 ECTS in total) contribute 60 ECTS
  • The Master's thesis contributes 30 ECTS.


Enrolment and course registration

New postgraduate students enrol in the M.Sc. Programme in October, prior to the commencement of lectures. Registration for courses takes place within the first two weeks of each semester. The exact dates for enrolment and course registration are announced on the web.


Selection of Supervisor

During the second semester of studies, each postgraduate student must submit an application (template available on the website) to the Secretariat of the School stating his/her choice for Supervisor.


Postgraduate diploma thesis and graduation requirements

Three-membered examination committee

The postgraduate diploma thesis is assessed by a three-membered committee composed of the supervisor and two other faculty members. The student must submit an application for the approval of the three-member committee composition the application form is available on the School’s website).

Postgraduate Diploma Thesis Defense

When all research work is concluded and the writing of the Master thesis is completed, the date, time and venue of the open oral presentation/defense of the student's work is determined. The candidate provides the School’s Secretariat with a thesis summary for publication on the University’s Academic Announcements website (template available on the website). 

The candidate defends his/her thesis publicly before the three examination committee members, who assess and evaluate the quality of research, the scientific methodology adopted for obtaining the stated results, the presentation of the literature review and the significance of results. It is noted that both the thesis manuscript and the oral presentation are evaluated.

Requirements for graduating with the Degree of Master οf Science (Diploma of Postgraduate Studies)

Upon receiving a positive assessment by the committee and completing any proposed corrections, candidates must upload the final version of their thesis to the Institutional Repository of the Technical University of Crete.

Given that the postgraduate student has accumulated the required ECTS credits (90 credits), the candidate submits an application to the Secretariat of the School (form available on the website) and becomes awarded with the Diploma of Postagraduate Studies.

Diploma of Postgraduate Studies Award Ceremony

The award ceremony for the Diploma of Postgraduate Studies (M.Sc. Degrees) is held by the Technical University of Crete once a year, usually in November or December.

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Postgraduate studies program guide 2024-25 (pdf)