Course Information:
Course ID: | B-212 |
Type of Course: | Required/Elective |
Semester: | Fall/Spring |
ΕCTS: | 9 |
Instructors: Associate Professor A. Koutroulis, Dr Manolis Grillakis
Recommended Reading:
Course objectives:
Climate change is a leading environmental and social issue globally. However, its impacts are experienced at regional and local scales; thus, their assessment and the planning for adaptation depend on the availability of regional and local climate information at appropriate scales and forms. This course covers the theory and application of climate change impact assessment as a tool for environmental science. The course discusses the use of climate data to analyse the effects of climate change and, eventually, to guide regional decision-making and adaptation plans. The course begins with an overview of climate change science and the adaptation and vulnerability of manmade and natural systems to climate change. The framework for the climate change impact assessment (CCIA) is then presented and used in a number of case studies. A significant part of the course is dedicated to individual student projects. Instructors will assist students in designing a research project of their choice that will use open-source online platforms and tools to access projections of future climate generated by climate models participating in the most recent climate modelling phases. Students are encouraged to choose projects based on their prior research and professional experience or based on topics and regions about which the students are particularly knowledgeable or interested. By the end of the course, students will be able to work with observations and climate model outputs for CCIA, apply CCIA to real-world problems and professionally communicate scientific findings.
1st Week: | Introduction to Climate Science, Review of IPCC AR6 WGII on impacts adaptation and vulnerability |
2nd Week: | Detection and Attribution of Climate Change impacts |
3rd Week: | Climate Change Impact Assessment Framework - key concepts |
4th Week: | CCIA Projects Prospectus, roundtable discussion |
5th Week: | Global Climate Change Impacts (showcases) |
6th Week: | Regional and local scale Climate Change Impacts (showcases) |
7th Week: | Hands-on 1: Obtaining fit-for-purpose data for impact assessments |
8th Week: | Adaptation to climate change, framing, modeling and communication of the results |
9th Week: | Climate services and ethics; Facilitation of Adaptation to Climate Change (showcases) |
10th Week: | Hands-on 2: Processing data for impact assessments (downscaling) |
11th Week: | Hands-on 3: Processing data for impact assessments (impact modelling) |
12th Week: | Project presentation and discussion (a) |
13th Week: | Project presentation and discussion (b) |
Assessment method:
Last modification: 05-10-2022