Diploma Thesis Defense by Mr. Alexandros Koutribanos
Thesis Title:«Analysis of hydro-meteorogical data of the Tympaki area»
Wednesday 12 October 2020, at: 14:30, Venue: https://tuc-gr.zoom.us/j/89984501638?pwd=bU1BMEsrRVBtVUNaczZBVG5WN2N3Zz09
Examination Committee
• Associate Professor Tryfon Daras (advisor)
• Associate Professor Antonios Manoussakis
• Dr Manolis Varouhakis
Tympaki and the surrounding area is of historical, cultural and agricultural importance. From an agricultural point of view, meteorological and hydrological factors are of major importance. This thesis deals with both meteorological (temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, rainfall) and hydrological data (water conductivity, water level, etc.). The data (average monthly values) for each of the above quantities, refer to the period August 2015 - April 2020. We try to analyze each of these factors first as a time series, then to make predictions and finally we examine if there are any correlations between them. In addition, the data of the area of Tympaki is compared with those from the area of Souda (Chania).