“Hydrologic simulation: A cross scale assessment from past to present and future” Thursday 20/5, 18:00 @ Ζοom

9th Open Research Lecture by Dr. A. Koutroulis, Thursday 20/5, 18:00 @ Ζοom

The ninth Open Research Lecture will be delivered  on Thursday, 20 th of May 2021 at 18:00.

Link to Zoom: https://tuc-gr.zoom.us/j/82372239714?pwd=bEd4aUMzZ1hlRmZsNjNPcC9WclNoUT09 (passcode 466740) to attend the lecture “Hydrologic simulation: A cross scale assessment from past to present and future” by  Dr. Aristeidis Koutroulis, Laboratory Teaching Staff, School of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete


Hydrologic prediction and projection are nowadays a common practice with a variety of applications ranging from the management of water resources, the protection against hydrological extremes (floods / droughts), to mitigation and adaptation to unprecedented future circumstances. The science behind prediction and projection is rapidly evolving to meet the increasing needs of users, both in terms of accuracy of forecasts and in terms of spatial detail and forecast horizon. This lecture will outline current developments and application in this direction, highlighting key issues and research needs.