Thursday 28th of March, 2019, 15:00-17:00, Hall K2.I1
«Introducing environmental principles, methodology and tools for bioclimatic urban open space design of Mediterranean cities»
"Water reuse and social acceptance"
"Determination of groundwater nitrate pollution in the extended area of Asopos River using ANNs"
Ηydrometallurgical processes for recovery of basic and critical metals from printed circuit boards (PCBs)
Modeling of the weathering of plastic film (LDPE, PP, PET) by UV irradiation
Μathematical programming of biogas system from arable and livestock farms for CHP: case study in Lubelskie province of Poland
Operation and sensitivity analysis of a Linear Fresnel Collector combined with thermal storage
Investigation on the application of biological and physicochemical methods for solid greenhouse waste treatment
Life Cycle Analysis for buildings and environmental impact
Organic Matterial Consentration in Cretan Soil: The Role of Vegetation
Effect of pressure on the efficiency ofbiological and chemical dispersants
Optimal design with the use of pumping flow simulation in the area of Agia in the district of Chania
"Assessment of sustainable urban mobility measures in the Mediterranean integrating stakeholders' viewpoint through multi-criteria decision making"
Description of topographic instruments for measuring lengths, angles and altitudes
Anaerobic reductive dehalogenation of organohalides in enrichment cultures from marine sediments of Venice lagoon
"Estimation and Dispersion Modeling of Aircraft Activity Emissions from Chania Airport"
"Influence of graphene oxide nanoparticles on the co-transport of model bacteria in saturated porous media
"Heavy Metals Removal from Treated Wastewater, using Constructed Wetlands"