New research project STREAM for sustainable reservoir management.

The Technical University of Crete coordinates the STREAM (SusTainable Reservoir mAnagement in water-stressed Mediterranean areas) project with Dr. Aristeidis Koutroulis as the project manager.

STREAM is a two-year project which benefits from the support of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and is implemented in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano and the end users: the Region of Crete, the Municipality of Festos and the Local Organizations of Land Reclamation of western Mesara valley, Crete.

The STREAM project will lay a solid foundation for improved resilience and security of water resources contributing to a transition in water governance. The project is based on the principle that research shall be driven by the priorities of a diverse group of stakeholders, enabling substantial co-learning and identification of robust, innovative and effective solutions for addressing sustainable water resources management in water-stressed areas. To achieve this STREAM will advance sustainable water exploitation by

(i) establishing a user-centered, bottom-up approach involving all stakeholders at the study site level, and focusing especially on the socioeconomic aspects of water management,

(ii) improving the current information and practices used by the local practitioners for the management of water resources with a set of modeling innovations and

(iii) disseminate the experience gained from the analyses to a wider audience and make a starting point for developing transferable solutions in a wider Mediterranean context.

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