New Book arrival by Aithra Maria

New book arrival by Associate Professor Efpraxia-Aithra MARIA : “Genetic Resources in Environmental Law: Concept, Regulatory Framework and Governance” (in Greek), editions Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2021, Athens.

Genetic resources (GRs) play a significant role in biodiversity conservation and in human health. They are used by a wide range of users both for scientific research and for commercial exploitation (pharmaceuticals, agricultural products, cosmetics, food, vaccines, biofuels, etc.). Their legal protection and governance is crucial for provider countries as Greece, which has a high level of biodiversity and endemism. This monograph critically approaches GRs legal definition, focusing on the relationship between environmental law on the one hand, and the evolution of science and technology on the other; In the light of the Nagoya Protocol, the monograph explores the GRs regulatory framework at international, EU and national level, and it investigates governance levels and involved entities (i.e. public administration, private sector enterprises, scientists, researchers, indigenous people & local communities, etc.) in the frame of this interdisciplinary and challenging issue.