Οι καθηγητές G. Torosyan & A. Galoyan του Department of Engineering: Chemical Technologies & Environmental, National Polytechnic University of Armenia θα δώσουν μια σειρά διαλέξεων στο Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης, στο πλαίσιο του Προγράμματος Erasmus International Mobility. Οι διαλέξεις είναι ανοικτές σε όλα τα μέλη του Πολυτεχνείου Κρήτης.
Πρόγραμμα διαλέξεων:
- Prof. A. Galoyan, “Removal of organic compounds from wastewater: The case of Armenia”, HMMY 2042, 12/11/2019, έναρξη: 11:00
- Prof. G. Torosyan, “Removal of organic materials from wastewater, using domestic materials as sorbents”, HMMY 2042, 12/11/2019, έναρξη: 12:00
- Profs. G. Torosyan/A. Galoyan, “Assessing Organic chemicals in the aquatic environment. Classification and, nomenclature of environmental organic chemicals”, ΜΗΠΕΡ Κ3_Α17, 12/11/2019, έναρξη: 18:00
- Prof. A. Galoyan, “Introduction for adsorption processes in involving domestic materials as adsorbents”, ΜΗΠΕΡ, Κ2_Α1, 13/11/2019, 14:00
- Prof. G. Torosyan, “The behavior of organic compounds in water”, ΜΗΠΕΡ, Κ2_Α1, 14/11/2019, 14:00